Sunday, May 2, 2010

Another Container Landing!

A few weeks ago my father finally caved and decided to put a roof over his head while in Montello. So, we rounded up another container and headed West! Once again, Paul did an excellent job with the container delivery from SLC and as always set my heart (OCD) at ease in making the deal happen. Curt proved yet again to be invaluable with his mad excavation skills. The hole was excavated and prepped for the container in record time. Paul placed the container in the hole within one inch of the desired location and Curt chained it up to the backhoe for final tweaking. One more retaining wall for me to build and I think the shell of this project will be in coast mode for a good long while.

This trip was a three day / two night excursion and we had a great time. Mid-way through the second day a hellacious storm front came through and brought with it extreme winds. On the bright side, we had completed all of our mission critical work, which made pulling up a chair in the container and watching the storm all the more enjoyable. The other bright note is that I am now convinced a wind generator will be a wise investment for power production.

As always, we enjoyed ourselves at the Cowboy and met a couple new people in the process. Here's a few pics of the project, myself, Curt, and my father Win. Thanks for the good times dad. There's nothing like three dust filled days to make you appreciate a long hot shower!!! Curt and Paul, your efforts are very much appreciated....THANK YOU!!!


  1. Jen and I decided we are going to get one to begin our earthship. We will then tie it into the build and it will be our 2nd bedroom! I've been researching and brainstorming this week. Preston, I will let you know when ;)
